Trade magazine, Pulse, announced today that waiting lists have increased, on average, by a quarter already.
For example:
- The proportion of admitted patients who did not receive treatment within 18 weeks has risen by a fifth – from 6.7% to 8% – with 23,826 missing out.
- The number of people waiting more than the previous target of six weeks for diagnostic tests rose by more than 90% compared with the same period last year.
All statistics are based on the Department of Health data. I'll continue to blog on waiting time targets, as it is my guess they will continue to rise and rise as the NHS struggles to make £20 billion of efficiency savings by 2014 with just a 0.1% annual increase to their budget in the same period.
Lansley may want to remember that NHS patients are also voters. His decision to scrap targets, which at the time received little coverage, may well come back to haunt him in four years time.
But the waiting time targets haven't been scrapped: